Wyoming is under attack by the Biden administration and trying to restrict Wyoming's way of life. We need to hold strong and support all aspect of Wyoming's natural resources so we can maintain our independence as a state and country.
"Our children are still under attack my the dark agenda, I will continue to hold strong and continue to protect our children, our future Americans."
"Supporting our trades is important to me, who else builds America strong if it isn't the trades. In supporting them we have to support our trade schools and community colleges."
Support school choice for all American families
Prevent the teaching of anti-American propaganda like Critical Race Theory
Reduce bureaucracy and instill more accountability at the Department of Education
End regulations that increase the cost of energy
Support oil and natural gas jobs
Invest in American energy to be energy independent once again
Improve air quality and reduce pollution through technology
Support safe and efficient use of nuclear energy
Reject radical socialist Green New Deal policies